Meet Sonia

Sonia is a Senior Zenthai therapist and teacher passionate about health, movement and personal growth. Her Zenthai journey began 12 years ago, throughout which she discovered a profound level of healing, as well as developing a deeper connection with Self and the collective consciousness. With 10+ years of therapist experience – during which she worked with thousands of students and clients – Sonia runs the 9-month Therapist Training in Newcastle on beautiful Awabakal Country.

As a community-minded individual, Sonia has been cultivating a community of Zenthai therapists, students and practitioners in the Newcastle area over many years. As a therapist, Her treatments flow with both dynamic and subtle movements that support the healing of ailments in the body and promote the switching off of the nervous system. She often using flying therapeutics in her sessions for the impactful depth this mode allows.

Sonia has an extensive background in teaching and facilitating. She is also a qualified yoga teacher and has completed studies in many areas, including Ayurveda, Meditation, Chinese medicine, and the manual mechanics of bodywork.

When she’s not immersed in Zenthai, Sonia can be found enjoying nature, learning something new, or practicing contact improvisation.

A dedicated student and teacher who is consistently engaging in learning about the body, the breath, the mind and how we can overcome challenges to allow us to have a wholesome and enjoyable life.

As a practice Zenthai becomes a fluid dance from gesture to gesture, moment to moment, the rhythm and flow moves with intuition and joy. Sonia is honoured to facilitate the learning of zenthai with others. And deeply grateful to have met Gwyn Williams the founder of Zenthai at a time that allowed her to immerse in this art.

Sonia is passionate about acro yoga, ayurveda, qi gung, functional movement, nature connection, meditation, nonviolent communication, music, art and dance.

She lives in Islington, Newcastle, a very central location, where she also has a treatment space, for 1 on 1 sessions.

She enjoys daily trips to the ocean, cycling about town and shopping at the local farmers markets. And brings her love of movement exploration, music and present moment awareness to her role as an Auntie.

Her achievements, and experiences include completing -

A bachelor degree in PDHPE teaching 2009 at Newcastle University
The Zenthai Shiatsu Therapist programme in 2013, Mt Ninderry Healing Centre
The Zenthai and Acro Yoga Training in 2013 at Shanti Agung, Bali
Zenthai Teacher Training in 2014 at Shanti Agung, Bali
200hr Yoga Teacher Training in 2016, with Yogic Wisdom, Newcastle
Birth Support, 2015, Maitland, NSW
Pregnancy Zenthai Training in 2018, Merryn Pennington, Sunshine Coast
Nonviolent Communication (Multiple Courses), 2018-22, Kate Raffin, NT & NSW
Bodywork for the Internal Organs, 2020, Monique DeGoey, Sunshine Coast, QLD
Zenthai meets Ayurveda, 2020, Gwyn and Kimmana Nichols, Mt Ninderry
Structural and Energetic Anatomy and Yoga Therapy, 2021, Gwyn and Kimmana
5 Element Acupressure Level 1 in 2021, & Level 2 in 2022, John Kirkwood, QLD
Fluid Zenthai 2019, 2022 and 2023, Gwyn Williams at Mt Ninderry, QLD
Flying Therapeutics, 2023, Gwyn Williams, Sunshine Coast, QLD
Manual Mechanics, 2023, Stephan Craig, Online
Chinese Medicine 101, 2023, Jost Sauer, Online

- and her experience working as involved

Teaching for over 10 years as a Programme Officer (NSW Sport and Rec).
Team Building Facilitator for Pinnacle Team Events
Treating at Woodford every year since 2013
Running a number of health retreats since 2018
Teaching over 15 Zenthai Foundational Level One courses
Supporting the Zenthai Therapist Programme at Mt Ninderry in 2019 and 2020.
Facilitating the Zenthai Therapist Programme in Newcastle, 2021, 2022 and 2023.

We work with local businesses and run multiple charity events to raise money for organisations making significant positive impact.